
Getting in shape for New Year

2008 is almost over. There is just four weeks left.

How did your nutrition and exercise efforts go this year?

If the answer is 'great!', then just keep doing what you've been doing, enjoy yourself occasionally this month at a few Christmas parties, and hit the beach with confidence that your hard work has been worth it.

If you have a different answer, don't despair, it's never too late to make a start. But what ever you do, start now. Don't make the mistake of putting it off till Jan 1st- it has been said that the average person gains 3-5 kg during December - why would you let it get worse before you start to make it better?

Who says you couldn't LOSE 3-5 kgs in December?! There's no reason why not. You just have to start now. Get your diet in check - that's most important. Eat regular, small meals of lean protein, veggies and fruit, with healthy fats; avoid breads, cereals and grains as much as possible, and do your best to take it easy at Christmas parties. You know you wont even remember what the pavlova tasted like in the morning..........

And get started on an effective exercise program today - functional strength training, high intensity cardio and lots of extra summertime activity - and then you can enjoy the holidays while actually losing fat.

If that's not enough, just remember; if you succeed in losing that 3-5 kg in December, you'll actually be 6-10kg ahead of the rest of your friends and family come January!!

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