
Focus Part II

Just to stir the pot a little bit, going to strike off on the opposite tack to the last post. Hey I can contradict myself if I want - it's my blog! It's up to you to decide when I'm right and when I'm wrong.

Trained both Saturday and Sunday this week. Not enough sleep this week, too much work, diet was not 100% dialled in. But I still trained and gave it my all.

The sessions were long, heavy and hard - how did I get through them? Loud music.

Hang on minute, didn't I just tell you in the last post to get the damn ipod out of your ears?

Yeah I did, but it was intended to just make you think about your reliance on it and whether you can still have a good training session without music.
I know some people that will actually blame a poor workout on a lack of music or the fact that the music playing was not to their choice.

You should be able to switch on no matter the situation. If you like loud music then use it by all means, but if it becomes a crutch then practice training without it occasionally, especially if you're a competitive athlete. There aint no music on the sports field; unless you're a rhythmic gymnast..........



Driving to Victoria Park this morning to train our outdoor CrossFit NZ crew, I nearly side swiped a cyclist. It wasn't my fault, he had a pair of iPod headphones jammed in his ears and he was swerving sporadically all over the road without a care in the world.
Now besides the fact that this practice is downright dangerous, he is also in danger of a lack of progress in his fitness.

Why? No focus.

Although not competitive, back in the day I at least used to do a bit more cycling than I do now, so believe me, I know how boring it can be racking up the miles on the bike sometimes.

But with music blaring into your ears (don't deny it - it has to blare because of wind noise...), how can you focus on your workout, let alone avoid being killed my a speeding Auckland driver?

Headphones are even more common in gyms. It's crazy - the gym has its own soundsystem, and everyone else has their own music (again, blaring to overpower the outside noise) and is lost in their own worlds. I understand that some people argue that music HELPS with focus, but I also know many people who simply CAN'T workout without the help of music, and in my mind that creates a potential weakness.

This may sound a little neanderthal, but why not listen to the clank of the weight you are lifting over your head? The hiss of your breath, and even your final rep grunts. Listen to that 'music' for a while and then you might become more aware of the smell of the chalk and sweat, you will perhaps catch the eye of another person working as hard as you, and share a nod and mutual understanding of what it is to test your limits. Hey, feel free to share a look with yourself in the mirror if you need to - just don't hold the gaze for too long ya poser.....