Taz replied very nicely that she could manage 30 odd pullups without too much trouble, and that being strong does not need to mean being 'chunky'.
For too long women have avoided lifting weights - either because weights was just what the men did, or because of a fear of growing to resemble those men......
There are so many other benefits to weight training besides growing bigger muscles. But to address that concern first - muscle weighs more than fat. We just finished up a six week challenge at CrossFit New Zealand and many of our women (and men) have not budged the weight scales a bit in either direction, however they have lost kilos of fat and gained kilos of muscle. The results of this is a smaller clothing size as muscle takes up less ROOM than fat.
And it gets better - that extra muscle now burns more fat for energy every single day, both during exercise and even at rest.
Extra muscle means you are stronger - better able to deal with the rigours of everyday life, and better performance in your sport.
Extra muscle makes you look leaner, firmer and healthier.

Tennis star Daniela Hantuchova - formerly the 'Slovakian Skeleton', has improved her sports performance, her body and most importantly her health through weight training and good nutrition.
Skinny is not attractive!!